Staff Coordinator – Fr. Sabu Thomas
o Anchoring - Sarang
o Welcome - Sidharth
o Address by Fr. Poulose Kidengen, Manager, SH College
o Song by Aaryan
o Address by Head of the Department Dr. Rajesh James
o Felicitation by Parent of Rasha Saleel
o Dance – Sanjana Saji Nair
o Game + Ice Breaking
o Music - Michael Jo Fernandes
o Vote of thanks - Sandra C
13/10/2021- Wednesday- Alumni with First Years
Staff Coordinator: Sonia Lucy
Welcome: Aryan Shaji
o Anchor: Sonia Lucy
o Interactions by
- Rajesh Panathody
- Bhanusree S Kumar
- Kripa Mathew
- Sukanya
- Anakha Preeth
o Q&A answer Session
o Thanks: Sidhardh
20/10/2021- 6.30 pm: Talk by Prof. C.S. Jayaram
Teacher Coordinator: Dr. Rajesh James
20/10/2021- Wednesday
8.30 -9.25 am Dr. Rajesh James Frontier Areas in Literature The lecture "Frontier Areas in Literary Studies" aims at exploring the emerging areas in literary studies. The lecture also tries to map comprehensively research and career possibilities in the domain.
Notwithstanding the field's current progress, the lecture also attempts to refer to a number of research gaps in the domain in order to identify the future possibilities in/of Literary studies.
9.30- 11 am Fr. Sabu Thomas Goal Setting The session is meant to give the students a guidance in to their three years of degree course in the campus. It will inspire the students to “begin with the end in mind”. The program will be interactive and the students will be given chances to express their aspirations and goals in life.
11.30-12.30 pm Dr. Aravind R Nair Studying Literature in the age of information The session will introduce students to the modalities of studying literature in the current age where various information technologies moderate all forms of communication. The session will discuss both the philosophical and practical implications of what it means to be a contemporary student of literature. Some of the essential skills that a literature student should have to navigate multiple online data sources will also be explained.
6.30- 7.30 pm Dr. C.S. Jayaram Introducing Literatures: A Journey into the world of Letters This session is a masterclass to introduce students to the world of language and literature. The resource person is a retired teacher of the department and is well renowned in the area of literature and arts.
21/10/2021- Thursday
Time Teacher Topic Content
8.30- 9.25 am Neenu Mary Francis Defining Poetry This session aims to unravel poetry as a form of literature by analyzing its definitions. It takes the students to analyse different poetic forms by placing them against particular historical periods in literature.
9.30-10.25 am Rajesh M An Overview of English Literature The session not only provides a clear and systematic overview of writers and their works, but also of important literary developments, trends and movements. The session also covers various genres of literature like poetry, Essay, Drama and Novel. The session will be comprehensible enough to instill interest in the newly joined students to pursue English for higher levels.
10.30-11.25 am Tom C Thomas
The Promethean encounter with Language and Culture: Encounters with language and culture at graduate and postgraduate levels are bound to be critical, creative and, therefore, audacious. That’s what the term, Promethean' signifies. Language is not merely an instrument for communication, rather, it is constitutive of reality. Learners at the undergraduate level, are therefore expected to gear up to the next level of intellectual and emotional readiness to interrogate the quotidian definitions of the everyday reality and engage more spiritedly in the cognitive restructuring of everything we are tempted to deem as reality. It is this issue and theme that the session intends to address.
11.30- 12.25 pm Fr.Joseph Kusumalayam The Heartian DNA This session is to introduce the first years, the motto, vision and mission of the college. The “Heartian DNA” is based on unflinching faith in God, faith in oneself and relentless pursuit of excellence in curricular and non-curricular aspects. The campus culture of the college will be explained to the students.
22/10/2021- Friday
Time Teacher Topic Content
8.30- 9.30 am Second Language Hour
9.30- 10.25am Sunil KV
The World of Fiction In this session the students will be able to experience the rich and diverse world of fiction. They will be introduced the various evolutionary faces and trends of English Novel.
10.30- 11.25am Bijo N Mathew
An Introduction to Copy Editing This bridge course is intended to introduce students to the rudiments of copy editing. It will equip the students with all the essential information regarding copy editing, as they enter into a new domain of knowledge. It will also cover the prospects and possibilities of this area of study.
11.30- 12.25 pm Sonia Lucy Literary Theory:
an Introduction The session intends to familiarize the freshers with styles of literary analysis. The principles underlying critiquing a text would be introduced with examples from contemporary texts including films, poetry, novels etc. It would provide a deeper understanding of how to read a text and gain insights from it.
2-3 pm Shijo Varghese ICT & DTP:
an Introduction This course intends to familiarize students with the digital editing tools. The course spans over two semesters and covers the basics of computing and ICT/DTP. Students will be introduced to some digital editing tools that are used by publishing houses. The course will also shed light on the future of e-learning and digital editing
25/10/2021- Monday
Time Teacher Topic Content
9.30 -11 am Dr. K.M. Johnson Introduction to Humanities In this session, the students will be asked to ponder over certain relevant questions such as, why do you want to study humanities? How different disciplines developed? What are the characteristics of humanities? What is the subject matter of humanities? Which are the different disciplines which come under the purview of humanities? How are humanities different from natural sciences and social sciences? What can humanities offer you? Etc.
11.30 - 12.30 pm Interactive Session with the class Teacher
1.30 – 3.30 pm Common Gathering of the Department in the Marian Hall
(Teacher in Charge: Dr. Rajesh James, Head of the Department)
From 26th October 2021 Tuesday- Regular Academic Sessions