Saturday, September 5, 2020

My Favourite Teacher: Jiji Kumar Velayudahan- Second Prize

 "A life of joy and happiness is possible only on the basis of knowledge "         


                              - Dr.S.Radhakrishnan 
 A teacher is the one who casts away the darkness of ignorance and lets in the ray of wisdom. A teacher's motive is not just aiming at the academic excellence of a child,but all together a holistic development. And it is he who imparts knowledge, discipline, self esteem, humility, compassion and all other integral attributes to a developing young generation. There are four important figures in a person's life;"Matha, Pitha, Guru, Daivom (Mother, Father, Teacher, God).It is the teacher who introduces us to the unending world of knowledge. 
                   Teaching profession not only matters respect and dignity, it is a self satisfaction of getting into a noble cause and above all there is no better deed than imparting knowledge to someone. Without a teacher the world would be bland, if so there would be a world where intolerance, injustice, and brutality prevailed. 
                      My favourite teacher is Fr.Roy Varghese. He was my Physics teacher. Hailing from a humble background he was an ever enduring, free spirited person full of life. Not only in the academic pursuits  he was cautious about the overall development and participative nature of all of his students. Nevertheless he never shown any comparison between his students. In the worst and best circumstances of our school life he was anchor of support and encouragement. He always insisted us to break the barricade of our comfort zones and explore the realities of the world. 
                     A trait which made him unique was his compassion and reverential love towards the suffering and underprivileged In a world where everyone is busy immersed in their own world, he nurtured and took care of them. He was the head of the Social Service Club of our school and who else could be.He knew what 'Humanity' meant in its deepest sense. He was the embodiment of all encompassing love. A Champion who works for a noble cause in its truest sense. A great role model to follow!
                        Today, September 5th,2020 on the occasion of teachers day let us all celebrate and embrace their tireless and innumerable efforts and voices. In these testing times, these unsung heroes holds our digital classrooms together. It is within their hands, where future of tomorrow resides.A Teacher is the personification of divinity;Gu-darkness ru-enemy, he is the enemy of darkness;without whom we could never ever be who we are today. As Nobel Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai said "A pen, a book,a teacher, a student could change the world ".

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